Wednesday, December 16, 2009


i have had fairly light acne scars on the sides of my face and on my cheeks for more than a year just won't disappear!! is there any treatment i can do to remove them.....some of them look like light craters on my skin and are red....ACNE SCARS REMOVAL?!?!?!?!?
you could try some cocoa butter cream good for any scar or marks but takes time to work.inthe mean time you could wear some kind of concealer the same shade of your skin to avoid them being seen if this is embarrassing to you.don't underestimate the value of using a daily cleanser and overall proper diet exercise and will fade eventuallyACNE SCARS REMOVAL?!?!?!?!?
I have used aloe vera, which does aid in fading scars over time. I've also heard that light dabs of cocoa butter on the face will help, although not too much. Bio-oil works great too.
Bio-oil (:

But im not sure if its okay to use on your face.

See a doctor or dermatolagist and they can see what treatment will be most helpful for you (:
I have struggled with acne for decades ( I am 34) and I recently started using Differin to get it under control. I have the bad texture/scars/craters on my cheeks too. I now get micro derma brasion and chemical peels every six weeks. It has really helped alot. I go to Nordstrom for the services and they charge $75 per session. If that is not in your budget, I can honestly say that there are at home things you can try too that I know work. I also use MD Skincare by Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel. I use them every other day in the morning. I can really say that they have helped with my pore size and make my scaring look a lot lighter and softer. Make sure you don't let your face get dry because that will make the scaring look so much worse. And finally, if you still have acne, try to get to the root of the problem so you can get it under control. Mine is hormonal, but I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck Dear!!!!
there is nothing you can do
go for facial
I use a prescription cream on mine. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist and they should be able to help your out with something. Be careful if you use other over the counter topicals, make sure they are Ok to use on your face first or you may end up with just more acne.
use hydrocortisone cream!! It's really inexpensive and can be found just at a pharmacy. It's supposed to be used for insect bites and stuff like that...but I've been putting it on my acne scars for about a week now and they're almost gone! :)
Right now I'm trying Ambi Fade Cream for Oily Skin.

I have the same problem you do without the craters. Just the redness.

So far, it looks like it's doing something. Try it? It might work for you.

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