Sunday, December 13, 2009

What are some good acne scar removal products?

I'm looking from something reasonably priced that I can buy at WalMart or Walgreen's. A cream or a mask. I have medium toned, olive skin that scars very easily. I recently moved from a small town to Milwaukee, WI so now I have access to products for women of color, I just don't know which ones are best.

Thanks for any help!What are some good acne scar removal products?
I use Neutrogena Acne Mark Fading Peel. I've been using it for over 5 years now and so far all of my scars on my face have cleared every time I get pimples and stuffsWhat are some good acne scar removal products?
im a young teen. guy..... i had the same problem. it takes time to rid a zit. i used to use all these treatments that promise to clear ur skin but only erated my skin. i use proactive now...mainly the face mask but i really dont ever have a problem. i have read about care for the face and another way to get rid of them quickly is to not think babout it. u will stress your body about it making yourself notice or focus the attention to that one certain area which will make it much worse. also eating habits reflect ur appearence as i may. ummm... eating fruits with citruises as well as salad will help....meaning u must avoid ur greasy foods wich is fine every once in a while. i use blotting papers that elimanate any grease from the burger i just ate from my skin, and that will prevent any forming zits. im only thirteen and a guy but i know that this will hopefully work out in a way that did for me

I have actually just tried a so called diet that i made up I ate strictly fruits and vegetables, fish and soy for protein. then i made myself to not look at my face for one week and act like i have no acne. one the week was done i was clear from acne.

also use blotting sheets to abosorb oil within the skin and rid of any shiny appearance upon your face.

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